Frequently Asked Questions

What is the vision and mission of FBX Poker School?

Vision: Alaskan poker players proudly representing Fairbanks in ring-games and tournaments across the globe

Mission: To provide a world-class poker education to students of all levels and to create a comfortable space where everyone interested in the game can practice the skills of winning card play

What does the FBX Poker School offer?

FBX Poker School offers beginning poker players an introductory course (Poker 101) to poker play, including rules of the game, strategy, etiquette, and variations. Beginners and advanced poker players alike are given the opportunity to test their playing skills in the Practice Lab (social game). FBX Poker School does not offer a place for unlawful gambling!

How much does it cost to attend FBX Poker School?

The initial one hour individual lesson is $10. Additional individual lessons are $10.  There is also a $10 fee for group lessons in the Practice Lab (social game).  Completing five total individual lessons and reading "The Poker Directory" by Trevor Sippets fulfills the requirements of the School's primary course, Poker 101.  Graduating from Poker School requires completing Poker 101, attending at least one Practice Lab (social game) session, and winning 1st place in any FBX Poker School free tournament. Total tuition costs would be $60.  

What are the eligibility requirements for registering as a student in the FBX Poker School? 

New students must be high-school graduates with integrity and no serious disciplinary or violent legal histories. Mature acting adults 18+ can register for poker school.  All student must adhere to the Code of Conduct and must understand that illegal gambling is prohibited. 

Is the FBX Poker School accredited? 

There are no accrediting agencies or organizations for poker schools in Alaska. 

What are the requirements to complete the FBX Poker School? 

Students must pass the introductory course, Poker 101, with a 'C' or better, attend at least one Practice Lab (social game) session, and win 1st place in any FBX Poker School free tournament to complete and graduate from  FBX  Poker School.  Poker 101 itself requires five lessons. Participating in the Practice Lab (social game) is not required to pass the course but attendance at one session is required to graduate from the school. 

What kind of certificate or diploma do students earn if they complete FBX Poker School? 

Students earn a Certificate of Completion when they successfully graduate from FBX Poker School. 

Are the classes in-person or on-line?

Classes are currently in-person only. 

Is there lab work associated with FBX Poker School?

There is a Practice Lab (social game) associated with the FBX Poker School. It is a dedicated time to test student's newly learned poker skills at a game table with other players. Illegal gambling is prohibited.

Can students play for real money during the Practice Lab? 

 FBX Poker School does not require play for real money. Unlawful gambling is prohibited. However, students may, at their own choosing, decide to play a “social game” where betting for something of value is allowed and, according to Alaska law, legal. 

Is there a fee for participating in the Practice Lab (social game)? 

The Practice Lab (social game) is free but the feedback and coaching is $10.  During Practice Lab (social game) time, regardless of whether the poker game includes a betting-for-value component or not, FBX Poker School charges $10. This fee is not associated in anyway with gambling. It is not connected to the “social game”; rather, this fee pays for the feedback and coaching services given directly by the instructor to the students about the game of poker.  Student practice players can choose to rotate the lesson fee or defer the lesson fee.

Do students enrolled in FBX Poker School engage in illegal gambling? 

No, unlawful gambling is not allowed. Social games are legal in Alaska. Illegal gambling occurs when the casino or house takes a "rake", which is a percentage of the pot. By raking the game, the casino or house profits from the betting and it is unlawful gambling. Casino's might take 5% of the amount players wager each hand, for example. FBX Poker School will never automatically take any portion of any pot of money that players bet to win for themselves; however, players may choose to pay their lesson fee from their winnings. Anything of value players stake in the game is lawful if it is between the players (social game); such lawful gambling is of no consequence (or profit) to the Poker School. FBX Poker School charges a fee for lessons regardless of whether money is used in the game or not. 

Can Practice Lab play occur without creating a monetized "social game"

Yes absolutely, students, as a group, are always able to play a social game during Practice Lab time without betting for money or anything else of value. The structure for every game that is played in the Practice Lab is determined by the participants, including the choice to play for money, the value of the blinds, and whether or not to defer the lesson fee.  Remember, Illegal gambling is prohibited.

How are disputes, disagreements, or other issues handled

FBX Poker School has adapted Mohegan Sun Poker Room Poker Rules and will closely follow those posted rules. All disputes will be decided by Instructor Nate H. unless said person is in a hand or is otherwise unavailable; in that case, disputes will be decided by FBX Poker School Director, Timothy L. FBX Poker School adheres to a strict Code of Conduct. FBX Poker School reserves the right to remove any person from Gamer's Lounge & Internet Cafe with or without reason.